Las nubes

Fully impregnated by the spirit of Aristophanes, we have made a version as gangster as THE CLOUDS was in its time.
The action takes place a few days after the inauguration of the Augusta Emérita theater, in the current city of Mérida. The manager of the coliseum, a theater pro, tries to sell the construction businesswoman on the advantages of having built a theater for six thousand people, instead of the initial thousand expected, and on how tremendously groundbreaking it will be to inaugurate a Roman theater with a Greek play.
An approach that is clearly committed to the “theater within the theater” genre, and that allows us to poke fun at an occupation where things have not changed much in the last twenty centuries.
To make our adaptation we deconstructed the original text, we mangled it, we cut it up, we mutilated and rearranged it; we added new characters, plots and gags, we replaced songs, updated unintelligible jokes, invented theatrical problems, we laughed at ourselves, and, as icing on the cake, we seasoned everything with an inexhaustible desire to not only make the audience our accomplice, but to also have them remember this performance as the best night of their lives.
This is how ambitious we are.