Mothers and Daughters

MOTHERS AND DAUGTHERS is a version of “I deien que plouria”, the text that was a finalist in the theatrical battles of Temporada Alta 2013.
Like other finalist works, “I deien que plouria” had the potential to become a feature of a conventional duration without compromising the original plot so Paco Mir adapted it to stay in the current duration of one hour and ten..
It premiered on July 24, 2018 at the Sala Eòlia. From 1 to 24 July 2019, it premiered at the Teatre Poliorama in Barcelona, with an audience that doubled weekly, and then toured Catalonia.
If making people laugh is the hardest thing there is, getting the audience to laugh and get excited to the point of shedding a few tears is the “MOST DIFFICULT THING” of drama and we, modesty aside, get it.